integration crmcustom web applicationms dynamicsmap application
We have created a lucid map application that draws data from CRM Microsoft Dynamics. Users can find a badminton court or a Thai massage across Czech Republic and Slovakia in a few seconds. MultiSport employees manage data on 2,700 sports facilities from a single location, saving tens of hours per month.
MultiSport has a CRM system with a lot of data about sports facilities - it contains, among other things, addresses, contact details, description of the services offered, category labels and photos. It also had a web application with a map in which users chose where to go for sports or relax after work.
Since CRM was not linked to the map application, MultiSport employees had to enter the same information in two places. Duplicate work took them a lot of time and the complexity increased due to the fact that the system did not allow changes in bulk - for example, if you wanted to add information that 30 partners added air conditioning to their facilities, you had to update it for 30 items, first in CRM, then in the application.
There were also gaps in the application itself. The user first filtered a category from the menu - for example, racquet sports. Only then did they see a map of tennis, squash and badminton courts in their area. If they didn't choose from the menu and decided to go to a pool instead, they had to filter from the beginning.
That's why MultiSport wanted to:
People from Multisport found out that we have experience with the integration of various IS and map applications, so they decided to contact us.
A network of employee benefits, supported by the multinational company Benefit Systems operating in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, and other countries. MultiSport cardholders can visit the partner sports and relaxation facilities free of charge. Users will find a pool, yoga or gym via the web application with the map we created for MultiSport.
Together with MultiSport, we defined the project assignment; from the end users' point of view, we primarily focused on two types of users:
Together we defined the following goals:
At COex, we care about developing software that effectively solves customer problems. In order to approach the project correctly, we specified the assignment by technical analysis and a feasibility study.
You can find out more about the tools and technologies we use at COex on the web technologies page.
We involved MultiSport employees in the project team, including managers and specialists who will work with the application on a daily basis. In this way, we facilitated communication, speeded up decision-making and, above all, we always had control over the development of software that will work as it should.
MultiSport addressed us with the first request
start of development of a new map application
launch of a map application for MultiSport CR
analysis and development of a multidomain application for the Czech Republic and Slovakia
launch of a new map and Slovak sports facilities
project updates, server maintenance and monitoring
We have created a functional web application in which MultiSport customers can easily
find their sports facility - there are more than 2,700 of them in the database.
We have reversed the search logic. Instead of scrolling through the lists, users choose a
sports facility from a map or activity catalogue. The map itself received a new base from, which is as good as the one from Google and more than that, is free. So everything
is faster, more natural and cheaper.
Thanks to the connection with CRM, MultiSport saves tens of hours monthly when entering new
sports facilities or editing existing ones.
One multi-domain application works for two countries - Czechia and Slovakia. The solution
has at least two advantages. First: after expansion into a new market, Multisport will add
a new country more easily. Second: we saved MultiSport costs of server operating and maintenance.